Sunday, 8 February 2015

Digestive System Videos

Dear 4A,

Let's do some recap of what we have learnt in the Human Digestive Chapter.

Have you ever wondered why do people fart???

Love to eat instant noodles? After watching this video, you may think twice and plan on cutting down how much instant noodles you eat.

Butterfly / Mealworm Observation

Dear 4A,

During our lesson on Wednesday, we saw the video on The Hungry Caterpillar. After watching the video, we came up with a few reasons on why our caterpillar didn't survive:
1) The caterpillar may have eaten their own poop.
2) The caterpillar may not have eaten enough leaves but was planning on changing into a pupa (since we saw it in that position)

Since the caterpillars didn't survive, I have brought in mealworms into the classroom. Do feed the mealworms regularly with the oats. Besides that, as you observe the mealworms, make comparisons with the caterpillar. Think about the similarities and differences between the mealworms and caterpillars.

I have attached the video on The Hungry Caterpillar here in case you want to watch it again.

Ms Reena

AA Discussion

Dear 4A,

I hope all of you are observing your experiment set-ups well. I see that most of your plants are growing well. It's ok if you see mould growing in some of your cups. Just continue your observations and think why exactly is the mould  forming. Think back to the fungi and bacteria chapter from last year.

Miss Reena

Digestive System Models

Dear 4A,

Some time back, you had constructed your digestive models. All of you did a fantastic job in coming up with the model and explaining it in front of the class. Some of you took the challenge of using other materials besides modelling clay. Well done!

Miss Reena

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Science "Digestion through my eyes Activity"

Dear 4A,

This is a more detailed explanation on what you are supposed to do for the “Digestion through my eyes” activity.

Imagine that you are the alien, Nano from NanoLand and you met Red Riding Hood who shared about the organs systems in the human body. As you do not have a digestive system in your body, Red Riding Hood invited you to take a trip into her digestive system in order to find out how humans digest food.

Describe this journey that you would take in the digestive system. You may include the following in your writing / poster / comic (or any other way that you would like to do this) :

1.     Introduce the various organ systems in the human body. Name the organ system and state their functions.

2.     Draw and label all the organs that you may come across that make up the human digestive system.

3.     Describe the function of each organ in the digestive system.

4.     List in sequence how all the organs are connected in the digestive system.

Remember to make it as fun an interesting as you can!

I will be extending the deadline to next Tuesday, 10 February 2015 so that you have plenty of time to do this. Have fun!


Ms Reena